When I come to visit someone, I always wonder what paintings have on the wall and what the books have in the library. The interior is incredibly influential to us and making it better does not have to cost so much money. It is a certain essence that affects us and can have a positive impact on our thinking and creativity. Whether it's a choice of wall colors or paintings and decorations it all surrounds us and shapes us. Inspiration comes from anywhere - from books, people and streets... And then it's just up to us what we put in our interior where we will feel happy and comfortable. It must make sense to us.
I have prepared art posters and limited graphics for your walls.
I decided to do this because I think that one can afford the available artwork. On the walls you do not have photopictures from different vendors selling furniture. You can have something original and unique.
Something that arose from the pleasure of creation and the need for realization. It makes sense to me and I believe that all artists have it hte same. We suffer from the sight of all the creations of these shopping malls. It's okay to buy a frame here, but not its content!:-)
We will stick to the black-and-white combination of paintings. The black and white colors carry two completely different approaches, yet they work harmoniously. I refer to the work of pencil drawing and traditional Asian techniques such as calligraphy.
The way to the final posters was long. All black-and-white posters were created on the basis of large-format pen drawings and then profesionály scanned. But before the drawings were made the choice of the topic was important to me. I offer large-format posters in two sizes that can be placed in commonly available frames. 610x910mm a 500x700mm.
Téma plakátů je krása květin a radost z růstu. Líbí se mi, co kdysi řekla Frida :„Maluju květy, aby mohly stále žít." Jelikož miluju tetování a jeho významy a symboliku, nechala jsem se inspirovat precizním vedením linky a hledáním ideální harmonie mezi černou a bílou barvou.
The theme of posters are flowers. I like what Frida once said: I paint flowers so they can live forever. Because I love tattoo and its meanings and symbolism, I was inspired by the precise line guidance and I was looking for the ideal harmony between black and white. In the summer of 2016 when I was in Malaysia I had only a sketchbook of size A3, ink, few pens and a head full of ideas. Most importantly the lotos were everywhere. „There are always flowers for those who want to see them.“ Henri Matisse
Graphics are my matter of the heart. Right here in Bali I'm working on a new series. This series will be connected with the ocean and with everything that contains vitamin sea!
Graphic sheets are 20 pc limited and manually signed. By selecting more pieces of graphic sheets you can put a story on your wall by yourself. And joyfully play with the selection of the frame. The graphic size is A3 or A4, depending on the individual piece. And again, you can use the frame from any store.
Velikost grafiky je A3 nebo A4, záleží od individuálního kusu. A opět se na ní hodí rám z běžného obchodu.
Veškeré tisky signuji a zasílám je v kartonové obálce v křehkém balíčku!
- Vizualization from Ing.arch. Alice Valčíkové: